Repeat prescription
To order a repeat prescription, you have to fill out the form underneath. The following conditions apply:
1.Per prescription you need to fill out one form (when ordering several prescriptions, you only have to fill out the data of the pharmacy once).
2.For ordering repeat prescriptions the following rates apply (you will receive the invoice via e-mail):
– Repeat prescription, maximum of four different medications € 25,00*
– Repeat prescription, more than four different medications € 50,00*
3.It is only possible to request a repeat prescription for medication doctor Van Gellicum has prescribed to you earlier.
4.Only repeat prescriptions of patients who have their lab tests and follow-up consultations twice a year will be handled. This is the only way the treatment can be conducted in a safe way.
5.Requests for repeat prescriptions via regular e-mail (and not by the form underneath) will be declined.
* This cost is for the handling of the request and ordering of the medication(s). It does not include the cost of the medication(s) itself. This will be billed to you directly by the pharmacy.
Herhaalrecept EN
Aanvraagformulier herhaalrecept(en)